Find your breath; other roles have been sound before ( by Majid Habibi)

About the author Majid Habibi is an Iranian voice actor who is known for Persian voice acting for films, animations, documentaries, video games, film trailers, television advertisements, radio advertisements, network promotions, radio or audio dramas, puppet shows, audiobooks and television programs. He graduated from Soore University with a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management. Find your breath; other roles have been sound before. In Dehkhoda dictionary the term imitation means: to follow, conformance and convey, build things from constructing others and follow the approach and procedure of someone. What explain in this text is about imitation of Sedabazigari’s profession and its difference with imitator of sound. Some people consciously or unconsciously stimulate the sound of Sedabazigarn( voice actors) while conscience, thought, insight, creativity and the spirit o...