Nostalgic Sound by Majid Habibi


About the author

Majid Habibi is an Iranian voice actor who is known for Persian voice acting for films, animations, documentaries, video games, film trailers, television advertisements, radio advertisements, network promotions, radio or audio dramas, puppet shows, audiobooks and television programs. He graduated from Soore University with a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management.

Majid Habibi , Persian voice actor

Nostalgic Sound

What explanation as a good sound in our belief and after many decades everyone who decided come to this art evaluates by those sounds at the beginning is only because of human habit that is said this sound is good or common, familiar or strange, special or without charm.

Human voice system, is a extremely complex tool in the creation of joy, glory, shame, wonder, cute, purity, hatred, wisdom, love, hate and other million words to blending sing.

coming to this court is necessary to have a essential and principle observation after many decades of dubbing creation and also acting by voice in radio drama and other branches of this art; I prefer using Sedabizagar title Instead of dubbing itself because of reason I wrote in my weblog about Sedabizagar that for better understanding I recommended to everyone read that subject too.

According to my explanation of familiar sound that said in the first paragraph, I believe that the voice or more correctly the person is suitable for this art that in the first grade care to hygiene and health of larynx and in the second grade use the science, experience, insight and awareness to have a superior and efficient technique that I have brought a few of them in the aforesaid article until get a style and compilation in voice acting. If the role of special sound color has no knowledge and insight is not important but if it has, small advantage of strong player have a seriously effect.

Attain science not need to scene theatre experience nor cinema and television camera. In an era that technology come along with immeasurable speed science, technique and arts get more specialize shape every day and to pay all these only cause no result and at the end become frustration of confusion in ourselves. My suggestion to people who are new in this arena or people who have a superficial glance is at first self-knowledge and then recognition of this art because in my opinion wrong direction and ignorance that have confusion result is the beginning of destruction, emergence of moral corruption, margin in environment activity and finally sinking in distortion swamp.

Sedabazigari (voice acting) is a specialty and its hypothesis (dubbing realism movie, animation, different documentaries, teaser, trailer, radio drama, musical dramatic) if a person wants to be a profession in each one needs time and attain full understanding and skills until to be able to execution any; because of this its absences as a proficiency and academic major is empty in higher education system.

Selecting people according to sound genre is a mistake which is undoubtedly abuse to many of them and this injustice occurred for many of them. Sound, is a tool which has more affect after attain experiences, knowledge and science; not since childbirth or even maturity.

People who are responsible to get test from volunteers must believe this importance. By reading simple text or saying a few breathless words on motion picture, genius and talent of naive young after many years will not become like Master Iraj Nazeriyan, Master Tahami, Master Jaleh Kazemi and …. .

These people must evaluation by a few steps without omission during 1 year by wise planning and organization and turn by turn guidance in each steps up to frankly election of who are willing.


Majid Habibi

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